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Zhiyuan Wang

Assistant Professor PhD, The State University of New York at Binghamton, 2016 Email  Webpage Zhiyuan Wang studies international and comparative political economy with a focus on the complex interactions among […]

Hire a UF PhD!

Amanda Edgell: I am a PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at the University of Florida. Prior to joining UF, I spent twelve months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo overseeing […]

RIP John Spanier

With sadness, we note the passing away of John Spanier. Spanier was an active member of the Department for almost 40 years, 1957-1996. Many of us have had the privilege […]

Pat’s Retirement

Friday, April 1, 2016 was Pat Root’s last day in the Department’s office. Since joining the department in January 2010, Pat has worked—most reliably, efficiently, and capably—under three chairs, four […]

Congrats, graduates!

Congratulations to our newly-minted PhDs!!! From left: Prof. Dan O’Neill, Dr. Jonathon Whooley, Dr. Lorna Bracewell, Dr. Amy Stringer, Prof. Laura Sjoberg, Prof. Michael Martinez, Dr. Roger Austin, Prof. Dan […]

Holiday Luncheon

The Department held its annual holiday potluck luncheon on December 14. Attendance was high and everyone was in a festive mood. A big thank you to Sue Lawless-Yanchisin for organizing […]

Information Cafe

Twenty political science majors and prospective majors attended the third Political Science Information Cafe, held November 9 in Emerson Alumni Hall. Participating faculty and other resource persons chatted with students in […]

Annual Spring Banquet

The Department held its annual Spring Banquet on March 24, 2015, at the Sweetwater Branch Inn. Some 70 people attended, including faculty members, spouses, associate deans, and supporters. Our distinguished […]

Thank you, Dietmar!

In the past four years, we were truly fortunate to have Dietmar Schirmer as our DAAD (German Government) Visiting Associate Professor. Dietmar became an integral part of the department, took an […]

Congrats, Dr. Hicks!

Will Hicks successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, Representation in the American States: Partisan Competition and its Conflicting Effects on Representative Government, on March 14, 2014. Will’s doctoral committee is comprised of Larry […]

Visit from Congress

Pedro Pierluisi, the resident commissioner of Puerto Rico in the U.S. House of Representatives, visited Professor Hedge’s legislative process course. Congressman Pierluisi, now serving his second term in Congress, discussed […]

Welcome Back!

The department held its annual “welcome back” reception today for faculty and grad students. A good time was had by all. Thanks to grad secretary Sue Lawless-Yanchisin for organizing the […]