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International Review

The University of Florida International Review is a student-run and student-edited quarterly journal of international affairs. The journal, with the support of the Political Science Department at the University of Florida, seeks to offer an outlet for students to discuss the issues of today that have the potential to change the realities of tomorrow.

The journal is an online publication that will allow students to contribute to debate across campus and around the state of Florida. Issues will include analytical papers that will delve deep into an issue of international importance. Issues of the journal will also include debate essays that will offer a potential solution to a problem of international significance or concern. Also present in each issue will be an in-depth look into an issue or region of global importance and a discussion with an expert of that issue/region.

The current issue can be found here.


The UFIR is an online student-edited journal of international affairs that, with the support of the Political Science Department, seeks to offer an outlet for students to discuss the issues of today that have the potential to change the realities of tomorrow.

We are seeking articles in which writers take a position on a notable issue pertaining to world affairs and reinforce that position with argument and evidence. You can use previously written papers from International Relations, Comparative Politics, or History classes (as long as they meet the international affairs criteria), or you can compose your own article if you wish.

While there are no set limits on length of articles, it is recommended that articles fall somewhere in the range of 4 to 12 pages (1200 to 3000 words) in length. Submissions should include citations whenever outside material is incorporated into the article; however, the use of arguments or support from previously published sources is not required for your work to be considered for publication.

In addition to the article, please include a brief (2 to 3 sentences) biography of the author that includes major, class standing, and any other information showing interest and knowledge of the subject.

The University of Florida International Review Editorial Board seeks to minimize the amount of time conducting formatting and stylistic changes to papers in order to focus our efforts on strengthening the quality of the papers through clarifying the arguments of the papers along with incorporating previously unconsidered counter-arguments and new data into the paper. We politely request that all authors conform to American Psychological Association (APA) style. For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2nd printing). This includes in-text citations and a reference page. Adhering to the following standards will reduce the time spent on formatting:

In-text citations should include the last name of author, the year of publication, and the page number, if applicable. See the following for an example: (Jones, 1991, p. 23).

Use the serial or “Oxford” comma (e.g. “executive, legislative, and judicial”).

Place punctuation inside quotation marks.

Write out numbers from one to ten.

Italicize publications and legal citations.

Write out the word “percent.”

Indent quotations longer than three lines.

Dashes should always be written as dashes without space on either side (—, never –). Write it like—this, not like – this.

Please do not use footnotes, however endnotes are acceptable. The paper must include a reference page at the end with complete APA citations.

All submissions and questions should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief.

Application for Associate Editor Position can be found here.

University of Florida International Review Advisory Board

Faculty Advisor/Supervisor
Dr. Zachary Selden
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Florida

Advisory Board
Dr. David Colburn
Provost Emeritus
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Director, Reubin O’D. Askew Institute
Professor of History
University of Florida

University of Florida International Review Staff

Gabriel Castro

Associate Editors:
Adriana Merino

Executive Organizers:
Linnea Dulikravich, Dov Levin.

Past Issues

Fall 2021 Issue

Spring 2021 Issue

Fall 2018 Issue

Spring 2018 Issue

Fall 2017 Issue

Spring 2017 Issue

Fall 2016 Issue

Spring 2016 Issue