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Department of Political Science

FAQ on Graduate Admissions


Is the GRE required?

  • The Department no longer requires the GRE for applications to the MA or PhD programs.

Does UF Political Science accept applications for the spring semester?

  • No, for the PhD program.
  • No, for the MA in International Relations and the general MA in Political Science.
  • Yes, for the MA with a specialization in Political Campaigning.

Should PhD applicants identify and contact a prospective faculty supervisor prior to applying?

  • No, applicants are not required to contact a prospective faculty supervisory chair prior to applying, but are welcome to mention in their statement of purpose faculty members with whom they have compatible research interests.  Applicants should identify their primary field of interest (American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, or Political Methodology) in the “Program Specialization” box on their application or in the statement of purpose.  Faculty review applications in their field, and make recommendations to the Department Graduate Admissions and Stipends Committee, which makes admissions and funding decisions.  Students who are admitted are expected to choose a supervisory chair and committee in their second or third year in the program.

Does UF require an MA for admission to the PhD program?

  • No, in most years, about one-third of students admitted to the PhD program have only a BA degree. Both BA and MA students can strengthen their applications by noting their research experience in their statement of purpose and resume. Research experiences can include writing a BA Honors or MA Thesis, presentation of research at a conference, publication, and assisting a professor in research.


Are official transcripts required for the Department to consider my application?

  • No, we can evaluate applications with unofficial transcripts which can be uploaded during the application process.
  • If the transcript is not in English, we will need the transcript in the native language and with an English translation.
  • However, UF Admissions will require official transcripts (and English translations) after acceptance.

Does the University of Florida provide application fee waivers?

  • The University of Florida only waives the application fee for McNair Scholars   and FAMU Feeder applicants.  The $30 application fee is required for all international applicants and all other US applicants.

Should all three letters of recommendation come from faculty? What should they say?

  • Letters of recommendation should attest to the academic abilities of the applicant and likelihood of success in a rigorous graduate program.
  • Students who are applying to the MA program may (but are not required to) substitute one academic letter with a letter that speaks to the applicant’s relevant experience in an internship, public service, professional work environment, or a political campaign.
  • Applicants who have been out of academic settings for many years and have difficulties finding three academic references should explain that in the statement of purpose, and provide letters that speak to work habits and the potential to succeed in a rigorous graduate program.

Are applicants who graduated from a university where all courses were taught in English required to submit a TOEFL or IELTS score for admission?

  • No, if the applicant is a citizen of an English-speaking country or if the university where they received a degree is in an English-speaking country.
  • Yes, if the applicant is not a citizen of an English-speaking country and the university is not in an English-speaking country.
  • However, there is a separate spoken English proficiency requirement for funding PhD applicants who are not citizens of English-speaking countries. A TOEFL score, IELTS score, or other evidence of proficiency in spoken English is required for funding.

Are students with foreign transcripts required to convert their GPA to a standard 4.0 US scale?

  • No, students must submit unofficial transcripts (in both native language and with English translation), but are not required to convert GPAs.

Are applicants automatically considered for Department funding?

  • PhD applicants are considered for department assistantships, unless they indicate that they have an external source of funding (such as a Fulbright fellowship or a grant from their home government).
  • Some PhD applicants may be admitted without a funding guarantee, and would have the option of self-funding or seeking external support.
  • The Department generally does not provide assistantships for MA applicants.

When are admission decisions made?

  • The Department begins its review process shortly after the application deadlines for each program.  The application deadline for the PhD program is December 15, and the application deadline for the MA program is March 15.
  • For PhD applicants, we hope to let applicants know their status around the second week of February.
  • For Fall MA applicants, we hope to let applicants know their status around the beginning of April.
  • Applicants who are not applying for Department funding and have external funding deadlines may request an expedited decision.

Does the Department provide tuition waivers?

  • For PhD students, Graduate Assistantships include tuition waivers, but students are still responsible for about $750 per semester in student fees.
  • UF may provide tuition waivers for Fulbright applicants whose funding does not include the costs of tuition.
  • PhD students who are not offered funding and MA students will generally be responsible for tuition and fees.

What is UF’s policy on Health Insurance?