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Political Campaigning Certificate

Political science and non-major students may pursue undergraduate training in campaigns and elections, earning a certificate in political campaigning. The certificate is designed for students who may pursue careers in practical politics, including campaign management, lobbying and issue advocacy.
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IR Certificate

This certificate is for those who are interested in international affairs and who are considering careers in this field (e.g., working for the U.S. government’s foreign policy or intelligence agencies; foreign policy think tanks; international non-governmental organizations).
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Public Affairs Certificate

The Certificate in Public Affairs is designed for students interested in a career in government. Students are required to earn a grade of C or better in 15 hours of public affairs courses. Students take the core courses in public administration and public policy and three upper division public affairs courses from the list below (additional courses can be substituted at the discretion of the faculty). Students are encouraged to serve an internship in government and complete an honors thesis in the area of public affairs. Credits earned toward the certificate also count toward the political science major. The certificate is open to non-majors as well.
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