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Department of Political Science

Richard S. Conley

conleyrAssociate Professor

Ph.D., Maryland, 1998


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Richard S. Conley is Associate Professor of Political Science. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland and a M.A. from McGill University in Montréal, Québec, Canada. His research interests focus on the presidency, Congress, executive-legislative relations, and comparative executives.

He is author of The Presidency, Congress, and Divided Government: A Post-War Assessment (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2002) and Florida 2002 Elections Update (Boston: Pearson, 2002), as well as editor of Reassessing the Reagan Presidency (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2003) and Transforming the American Polity: The Presidency of George W. Bush and the War on Terrorism (Prentice-Hall “Real Politics in America” Series, October 2004). His articles have appeared in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, Congress and the Presidency, Polity, American Politics Research, and White House Studies.

Recently, Professor Conley has been engaged in archival research at the Bush, Eisenhower, Ford, and Reagan Presidential Libraries to analyze presidents’ veto and veto threat strategies. He is currently researching a book comparing executive politics and leadership in the United States, Fifth Republic France (1958-), and Ireland with an emphasis on institutional development of the executive in each system, the impact of divided government (cohabitation in France, coalition governments in Ireland) on executive-legislative relations, and the public politics in each country.