Two of our undergraduate majors, Shannon Crawford and Nishant Srivastava, have recently attended the United States Air Force Academy Assembly, a prestigious annual undergraduate student conference held in Colorado Springs. The theme of this year’s conference was “U.S.-India Relations: Partners in Democracy.” Shannon Crawford reports that it was “a stimulating, thought-provoking experience. The 3-day conference included lectures from several scholars and diplomats who are experts in the field of US-India relations . . . Delegates also participated in roundtable discussions with these scholars and diplomats . . . Aside from the academic aspect of the conference, we toured US Air Force Academy grounds, visited the base’s airfield and airplane hangars, and attended a formal closing banquet. I got the chance to meet peers who are as interested as I am in US-India relations, as well as delegates from India who were able to share their insights. I also had the opportunity to ask questions of several speakers, and I got more insight into cadet life at the Academy. Overall, through large lectures, small group discussions, and one-on-one conversations with scholars, the conference provided me with a wealth of insight on US-India relations.”