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Research Grants to support Graduate Students

Grants are important in providing resources for your research and as markers of recognition of the importance of your research. Even unsuccessful grant proposals can provide reviews that will be important feedback on your research proposal.

UF Internal Grants to support research include

External Grants that support doctoral research include

Check out eligibility, requirements, deadlines with agency well in advance.

UF Procedures

CLAS Research Office (opens in new tab)

  • Some external grant applications can be very complex to prepare and to administer once grants are awarded.  The CLAS Research Office can assist in preparing the application.
  • Whether you need assistance or not, the CLAS Research Office also enters your grant application in UFIRST, which is UF’s internal system for grant processing. This will assure that your proposal gets the needed approvals from the Department, College, and UF Research Office.
  • You must contact the CLAS Research Office no later than 10 business days from the sponsor’s or subcontracting partner’s deadline (as entered in UFIRST). All final documents must be submitted to the CLAS Research Office 4 business days prior to the sponsor’s or subcontracting partner’s deadline entered in UFIRST.
  • The ten/four business day deadlines are inclusive of the two-day UF Office of Research deadline. If a proposal fails to meet either of these deadlines, the CLAS Research Office will not guarantee that the proposal will be submitted to the sponsor.

Institutional Review Board (opens in new tab)

If you are proposing research on Human Subjects, apply for IRB approval before contacting any potential research participants. IRB plays an important role in ensuring that our research meets ethical standards with respect to the treatment of our research participants.  In addition, the costs of not obtaining required IRB approval are significant, and may include a prohibition by UF against using the data obtained without IRB approval in your thesis, dissertation, or work submitted for publication.

This applies to research with any sort of human interaction (surveys, un- or semi-structured interviews, focus groups, experiments, or field observations) with anyone (elites or non-elites), whether your research is supported by a grant or self-funded, or whether you would characterize your research as qualitative, quantitative, or anything else. Research that does not involve interactions with people (eg., research in archives or libraries, or formal theory proofs) does not require IRB review, but any research that involves observations of people or their responses does.

Alternative Work Location

  • If you are an employee of UF (including a TA, RA, or GA) and you will be conducting research outside of the Gainesville area while performing your duties, you must secure approval for an Alternative Work Location in advance.
  • If you will be working in the United States but away from Gainesville, see the UF AWL Policy and complete the form linked at the bottom of that page.
  • If you will be working outside the United States, complete this form.
  • If you are on an F-1 or J-1 visa, be sure to inform your UFIC advisor about your travel outside the United States.