The polisci-events listserv allows faculty, staff, students, and the public to get information about events in the Department of Political Science. If you would like to subscribe to this list, you may use the signup form on this page or send a message to which says only “subscribe POLISCI_EVENTS yourfirstname yourlastname”. If you would like to be removed from the listserv, send an empty message to POLISCI_EVENTS-signoff-request@LISTS.UFL.EDU.
As students of politics, we value the free expression of ideas, and offer a separate voluntary listserv for those who wish to engage in some extended virtual debate on public issues, candidates, elections, and other topics of interest to its subscribers. If you are interested in joining some interesting conversation, you’re invited to join the POLDISCUSS-L list by using the signup form on this page or sending a message to which says only, “subscribe POLDISCUSS-L yourfirstname yourlastname”. If you would like to be removed from the listserv, send an empty message to POLDISCUSS-L-signoff-request@LISTS.UFL.EDU.
POLDISCUSS-L has birds of lots of different feathers as subscribers. If you believe that an inappropriate conversation is occurring on a CLASNet listserv, you may invite that conversation to move to POLDISCUSS-L.
Listserv Signup Form