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David Macdonald

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Ph.D, Florida State University, 2020

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David Macdonald is an Assistant Professor of American Politics, with specific research and teaching interests in U.S. public opinion and political behavior. He is a long-time Florida resident, having received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Central Florida in 2011 and 2013, respectively, and his Ph.D. from Florida State University in 2020. His research agenda broadly centers around the question of "why ordinary people support the policies, parties, and candidates that they do?" He is planning a book project about the mass-level partisan consequences of labor unions in the United States. Beyond this, he is also interested in studying the political causes and consequences of political trust, immigration attitudes, core values, and economic inequality. He has published articles on these topics in American Politics Research, Electoral Studies, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Political Research Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, and the British Journal of Political Science.