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Affiliated Centers & Programs

Bob Graham Center for Public Service

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The Bob Graham Center for Public Service is a community of students, scholars, and citizens who share a commitment to training the next generation of public and private sector leaders for Florida, the United States and the international community. Senator Graham founded this center as a means of going beyond the classroom and giving students insight into the nuts and bolts of political leadership. It’s part of his lifelong dedication to the idea that citizens need a firm grounding in democratic government to discharge their rights and responsibilities. This is true no matter what field a Bob Graham Center student chooses for a career, be it politics, business, the arts or the sciences.

Center for African Studies

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The Center for African Studies promotes excellence in teaching and research on Africa in all the disciplines at the University of Florida. In addition to undergraduate education, the Center promotes and supports graduate studies as essential for the development of a continuing community of Africanist scholars. The Center has over 100 affiliated teaching and research faculty in a wide variety of fields, including: languages, the humanities, the social sciences, agriculture, business, engineering, education, fine arts, environmental studies and conservation, journalism, and law.

Center for European Studies

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The Center for European Studies (CES) is housed within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) at the University of Florida (UF) is a Title VI National Resource Center funded in part by the US Department of Education. The CES is one of just eleven European or Western European Title VI Centers in the country.

Bud Shorstein Center for Jewish Studies

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The Bud Shorstein Center for Jewish Studies provides an undergraduate, interdepartmental curriculum which serves as a basis for understanding the broad spectrum of Jewish culture, religion, and civilization. The Center offers both a major and minor through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. These may serve as preparation for graduate work in Jewish Studies and the rabbinate, as background for a career in Jewish education or community service, or as an area of special interest which enriches the undergraduate experience.

Center for Latin American Studies

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The Center’s mission is to advance knowledge about Latin America and the Caribbean and to enhance the scope and quality of Latin American Studies at the University of Florida. The Center administers an interdisciplinary graduate and undergraduate academic program in Latin American Studies.

American Indian and Indigenous Studies

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The American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program at UF cuts across all disciplines such as political science, anthropology, religion, Latin American studies, and history. This field of study deals with the issues and concerns of indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere while seeking to understand historical, political, social, and religious structures from an indigenous perspective. The program, which includes both interdisciplinary major and master’s degree options, may serve as preparation for graduate work in American Indian and Indigenous Studies, as background for a career in American Indian education or community service, or as an area of special interest that will enrich the undergraduate experience.

Election Science Group

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The Election Sciences Group at the University of Florida is a collaboration of faculty and students who study elections through analyses of survey and “big” election data. Our mission is to provide timely and accurate statistics, software, reports, and other useful information, primarily regarding voting and elections in the United States. One of our main goals is to inform the American people about how elections work, how voting may be improved, and how citizens can become more engaged and more confident in the electoral process.

Florida Survey Research Center

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The FSRC is an important research resource for its clients. The FSRC draws upon the extensive resources of the University of Florida and the expertise of faculty and graduate students to provide clients with the type of quality research services only available at a university-based research center.  We strive to conduct research that is valid and reliable, and, as a university-based research center, the results of our research have a high degree of credibility.

Graduate Certificate in Global Islamic Studies

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The Center for Global Islamic Studies offers a graduate-level (Master’s and Ph.D.) Certificate in Global Islamic Studies. The goal of this certificate is to train students to pursue careers in teaching and research related to Islam, and will broaden students’ understanding of the diversity of Islam in the global context.