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Albert R. Matheny


Associate Dean for Student Affairs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Director of the Academic Advising Center

Ph.D, Minnesota, 1979


Albert specializes in the areas of public law, regulatory policy, and judicial processes. His research interests include regulatory politics, administrative law, science and environmental policy, the legal change and judicial reform, and criminal justice. He has published in these areas in The Journal of Politics,Law & Society Review, Law & Policy, Policy Studies Journal, and The National Civic Review, as well as in several edited volumes. He and Professor Bruce A. Williams, University of Illinois, published a book, Democracy, Dialogue, and Environmental Disputes: The Contested Languages of Social Regulation (Yale University Press, 1995, paper 1996). Albert’s latest research examines the impact of recent judicial selection patterns on administrative law doctrine in the federal courts and explores grassroots mobilization in the environmental policy process. He has received grants from the National Institute of Justice-U.S. Department of Justice (to study plea bargaining), from the JointCenter for Environmental and Urban Problems-Florida International and FloridaAtlanticUniversities (to study hazardous waste regulation in Florida, Ohio, and New Jersey), and the U.S. Department of Education (to establish the graduate Judicial Administration Program).